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Yangon Wuling Co. Ltd.
Yangon Wuling Co. Ltd.

In December 2013, Good Brothers’ Co. Ltd. set up a specialized department dedicated to the manufacture of custom iron wheels, tractors and trailers. In addition, the department also imported and assembled KD-554 tractors and Luzhung-354, -554 and -704 tractors.

By 2015, it expanded to offer diesel engine production and sales, thus forming the first professional diesel engine production plant in Myanmar. This development would then sow the seeds of the rise of Yangon Wuling Diesel Engine Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Good Brothers’ Co. Ltd. that was formally established in 2016.

Committed to its mission to help improve farming in rural communities, Yangon Wuling Diesel Engine partnered with Changzhou Wujin Wuling Diesel Engine Co. Ltd and Yunnan Xintianli Machinery Co. Ltd to provide the market with affordable and high-quality agricultural machinery products across Myanmar. Today, located at Ywar Thar Kyi, South Dagon Township in Yangon, the company is well-known for the assembly and manufacture of its signature Hsin Tien Li farm utility trucks fitted with Jieneng diesel engines, alongside a variety of three-wheelers, tractors and tractor accessories.

Presently, plans to expand Yangon Wuling Diesel Engine’s production line to include heavy agricultural machinery and cargo trucks are in the works. With the encouraging growth of customers in Yangon, the company hopes to increase its business footprint across all divisions in Myanmar.